Riverina Western Nyngan water storages


Contact point

Picture of Glenn Fernandes
Glenn Fernandes Director Water Resources Management 0421 487 408

Two water storages with a combined capacity of 1400ML were delivered by NSWPW and partners, exemplifying our technical expertise and experience.


The construction of an off river in ground storage facility at Nyngan has been a major step in resolving concerns with the current water supply arrangement in that:

  • it has lower losses than the present Bogan Weir Pool
  • it provides extra usable storage in a severe drought
  • it helps facilitate the piping of water from the Albert Priest Channel in the future to further reduce losses.

Features of the project include:

  • two in ground water storages, each operable separately or in sequence
  • a new pumping station at the Bogan River weir
  • two-way inlet and outlet facilities which allow water to be pumped from the river to the storages or to be gravity fed back from the storages into the river.
Nyngan water storage works
  • Combined water storage capacity of 1400ML covering over 50 Ha of Council owned land.
  • Existing pumping stations at the Bogan River weir pool maintained and upgraded which serve both Nyngan and Cobar water supply.
  • A new pumping station at the Bogan River weir and new rising main to serve the new storage facility.
  • Flow rates and water levels attached to SCADA system to allow continuous monitoring of the system by Council.

Our role

NSW Public Works (NSWPW) provided technical leadership and project and contract management services for the project. Geotechnical and hydraulic investigations were also undertaken as well as environmental assessments for the project.

Each of the two storages were constructed by separate contractors. NSWPW provided technical oversight and advice throughout the construction period.

NSWPW worked closely with the project team and contractor to identify and manage project risks, which included managing large volumes of excavation and compaction of fill material.

The project was completed with no safety issues.

Nyngan water storage facility
Nyngan water storage ground works


The system was commissioned in July 2023 following a comprehensive final inspection by NSWPW and Bogan Shire Council staff. Inspectors were impressed by the quality of the project. The project is now fully operational.

This project further exemplifies NSWPW capability in investigating, designing and delivering successfully major water supply infrastructure.