Sustainable asset management

Contact point

Picture of Helen Carroll
Helen Carroll Director Facilities Management 0402 969 141

NSW Public Works’ (NSWPW) asset management plans, frameworks and systems assist you to clearly define and report on your assets.

Our Sustainable Asset Management team are experts in developing best practice strategies, plans and actions that guide you to meet your organisational objectives. We use a flexible approach and tailored reporting for you to achieve your specific goals whilst meeting asset data standards.

As a government agency, we are in a unique position to assess government and community infrastructure assets.

Our working knowledge of the regulatory requirements across state and local government agencies and authorities makes us an ideal partner.

We support you through asset planning, construction, maintenance, disposal or renewal to achieve an optimal life cycle for your assets.

By doing this, we help you to achieve long-term sustainable asset management practices that maximise returns on asset investments.

Barraba Court House

Our expertise

Our Sustainable Asset Management team specialises in flexible systematic processes that support sustainable and cost-effective asset management planning and operational performance.

We assess each specific project requirements and develop tailored strategic and tactical asset plans. These plans allow you to deliver best asset management practices that align with your organisations objectives.

  • Asset management maturity assessment.
  • Strategic asset management plans.
  • Asset management plans (primary, asset class, regional and other).
  • Condition assessment surveys.
  • Repair and maintenance estimations.
  • Operational asset management plans.
  • Asset management financial plans.
  • Lifecycle planning.
  • Asset management maturity improvement plans.
  • Program management of asset management operations.
  • Project management of asset management tasks and specialists.
  • Asset management project prioritisation criteria and assessment.
  • Risk assessments.
  • Cultural assessments.
Sustainable Asset Management team

A gateway to a broad range of expert services

Our sustainable asset management services can serve as a central access point to connect clients to different NSWPW services.

As asset management work progresses, clients often require assistance in other areas, identified through our comprehensive assessments. Our service can act as a gateway, providing assurance and ease by directly linking clients to the broader network of expert NSWPW teams and resources.

Find out more

Download the Sustainable asset management capability booklet to learn more.