Environmental impact assessment

Contact point

Picture of Allan Gear
Allan Gear 0436 652 648

The Environment and Planning team at NSW Public Works offer a broad range of expertise and experience in the environmental impact assessment of public infrastructure projects, ranging from small building works to large and complex infrastructure developments.

Our team offers advisory solutions related to environmental and sustainability issues across a comprehensive range of fields including heritage, Aboriginal cultural heritage, ecology and biodiversity conservation, water quality, bushfire prevention, noise, odour and traffic impacts.

Our core services in the preparation of environmental impact assessments include:

  • Environmental constraints assessment of design options
  • Reviews of Environmental Factors – REFs (Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979)
  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
  • Statements of Environmental Effects (SEE) to accompany development applications
  • Preparation of Development Applications including pre-DA meetings with local councils and review of draft conditions of consent, with a particular focus on Crown DAs;
  • Consultation with key project stakeholders and regulatory authorities
  • Obtainment of approvals, permits and authorisations from regulatory authorities
  • Operational Environmental Management Plans (OEMP)
  • Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
  • Management and coordination of consultants in fields such as historical heritage, ecology and biodiversity conservation, Aboriginal heritage, bushfire prevention water quality monitoring, noise and traffic specialists.