Sydney Missenden Road stonewall and streetlamp conservation (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital)


Contact point

Picture of Trish Ball
Trish Ball Director Heritage, Environment and Planning 0455 058 773

The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Missenden Road stonewall was impacted by various damages, including rotation due to mature trees, physical impact, graffiti staining, soiling and general age-related deterioration. The lamps and pillars atop the wall were out of service, suffering material corrosion and loss of parts.

Three stone piers and the majority of the capping stones required replacement, like for like in detail. The wall was stabilised to rectify the rotation caused by tree roots and internal fill loss. The remaining stones were cleaned, tie-stabilised, and repointed. The lamps and pillars received corrosion treatment, wiring upgrades, and repainting.

Delivery challenges included minimising loss of heritage fabric while improving the safety of the structure and delivering works adjacent to one of Sydney’s busiest Emergency Departments and Covid Testing clinics, during the height of the pandemic.

This project delivered durable, high-quality results enhancing the streetscape, local landscape and promoting heritage trade skills.

Missenden Road stonewall and streetlamp conservation - Before photos
Missenden Road stonewall - Before photos

“The Missenden Road Wall is not only an historically significant front of house landscape feature, it is a much loved sitting spot for hospital visitors and patients. In lighting the space and repairing the stonework, we have given it renewed durability and beauty, and importantly – is in now a far more comfortable seat!”

Katie Hicks, Project Lead, NSW Public Works
Missenden Road stonewall and streetlamp conservation - After photos
Missenden Road stonewall and streetlamp conservation - After photos