Floodplain risk management

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Floodplain risk management

NSW Public Works is uniquely equipped to provide a broad range of engineering services across the state, assisting clients to plan for and manage flood risk across existing communities and new developments.

We have a state-wide network of experts who can undertake the planning, design, procurement, and project management of complex flood-related infrastructure. These projects require innovative thinking, highly developed stakeholder management and effective communication skills.

NSW Public Works has deep knowledge and experience in preparing flood studies, floodplain risk management studies and plans, flood mitigation options analysis and feasibility studies. We undertake investigations and prepare designs for flood mitigation and water quality infrastructure. These may include levees, dams, bank protection works, urban stormwater detention basins, bio-retention works and constructed wetlands.

NSW Public Works is at the forefront of technological advances for inspecting and auditing flood-related infrastructure. During flood emergencies, levee dam inspections and site visits can be undertaken by regional based staff, or with technology such as drones or remotely through video calls, with outputs easily understood by emergency management personnel.

We have procurement specialists in regional locations, enabling us to use local knowledge when preparing tender and engagement documents to design and construct flood mitigation options.

Our floodplain risk management capabilities support the NSW Public Works Environment and Planning Team with flood impact assessments and the development of strategic planning documents and planning controls as they relate to floodplain risk management.

Lismore floods 2022 aerial view

Our expertise

  • Strategic floodplain risk management advice for land use planning
  • Flood impact assessment
  • Input to planning controls
  • Stormwater drainage design
  • Management of floodplain risk management studies and plans
  • Floodplain risk management options assessment and feasibility assessment
  • Project management
  • Design and construction management of floodplain risk management infrastructure including levees
  • Levee audit and inspections
  • Dam break assessment
  • Flood mapping
  • Flood modelling
  • Flood emergency response planning
  • Engineering emergency management, including levee and dam inspections
  • Flood emergency response recovery and clean up